Friday, April 19, 2019

Wireless telephones Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Wireless telephones - Essay exercisingBoth passengers and radios can equally affect the attention of a motor fomite operator, thus singling fall out the use of a wireless telephone may be merely populist. This may be in particular true with regards to talking and listening rather than texting. Nevertheless one of the advantages of this law is that it reduces the number of motor vehicle accidents resulting from the use of wireless telephones while driving. also, the subsections (6a) and (6b) clearly state when an offence is to be cited and subsections (5a) and (5b) state the punishment callable (Levy et al. 3). This makes it easy to enforce the law. On the converse though, separation of subsections 2 and 3 imply that there is a difference between minors and adults and from their wording it appears that adults may be allowed to use wireless telephones while driving. Also the definition of an emergency in subsection (1a) still leaves a lot of room for different interpretations for ensample different people may interpret fear for ones safety differently. These instances of ambiguity may be apply as a loophole by offenders and their attorneys. Regardless of these ambiguities I am for this state law because its spirit is to a greater extent of preventative rather than vindictive. This means that it seeks to better the quality of life for the residents of Colorado State by defend them from avoidable motoring accidents.

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