Monday, April 22, 2019

Leadership and Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

leading and Management - Essay ExampleTherefore, Management entails provision of stability to an organization. This is because managing involves planning in details on the issues that subordinates leave work on. This will ensure that the objectives of the organizations are geared towards improving the performance of an organization. Management involves strategizing and creating policies that will empower individuals and teams to enhance smooth operations. Proper strategizing reduces intrinsic risks as well as generating success. This is why vigilance is focused towards producing results (Bush, 2010).Leadership on other hand has different characteristic activities. Leadership facilitates decision do by making sure that people are given a chance to provide ideologies towards achieving the lop goals. Leaders are focused towards solving the already existing problems as well as contrive measures to deal with them. Leadership entails risk-taking which is crucial in enhancing individu als values. Achieving the right long-term goals is one of the main aspects related to leadership. age short-term achievements are crucial to solicitude, leaders ensure that an organizations culture is intact and that pursual have the right work environment (Bush, 2010).In conclusion, the discussed activities are focused towards enhancing the success of organizations. Leadership and management are two crucial elements that will enhance individual values towards achieving the success of an

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