Saturday, April 20, 2019

AN310 Cultural Anthropology Assignment 5 Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

AN310 Cultural Anthropology 5 - Assignment ExampleThere is no defense lawyers in the fact that every aspect of living has faced a change due to the growth that includes transportation, ways of banking, communication techniques and many others.In every home, there is an accumulation of technological elements that are crucial for the home life and for the conkplace and at times combine both. Due to the evolution of technology, it has become open to approach anyone that has its own benefits and pitfalls. Through the mobile phones, one sack up simply access the other family member. Although, it has resulted into lose of security and space and due to this, family rules are formed related to the technology punishments. The task of workplace can be assigned through mobile phone at any time thus, dividing the family time into the work time.I personally believe that technology has changed the structure of family and family life. With the advent of technology people have started self-a ggrandising less time to their family and more time to people who live far away from them. Even when family members mount together they tend to ignore those who are with them and rather communicate with those who are far away.Molitor, Graham. Communication technologies that bequeath change our lives. - USA Today Magazine - Nbr. 1312692 - Author Molitor, Graham T.T. - Id 54521417 - vLex. News and Business - United States - vLex. N.p., 1 Jan. 2003. Web. 26 Jan. 2013.

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