Friday, July 26, 2019

The concept of lifelong learning has always been central to adult and Essay

The concept of lifelong learning has always been central to adult and vocational education - Essay Example According to the concept of lifelong learning, being knowledgeable and acquiring new and latest knowledge continually is not a preserve of children or classroom surroundings. Instead, lifelong learning emphasises that people should learn throughout their lifetime, their circumstances notwithstanding (Wang, 2008). There are numerous reasons for which lifelong learning has been rather interesting subject in the last five decade. For instance, the role of the currently observed technological and scientific innovations in necessitating lifelong learning among professionals has been extensively debated in recent times. In fact, as a result of the technological and scientific advances realised in different spheres of life, the professional and learning needs of people have continued to change every other day (Wang, 2008). That is, there is no longer a restricted or preferred age, time or place for learning and related activities. In fact, school is no longer the only place people can obtai n knowledge in as more people resort to acquiring knowledge and skills at the workplace. Today, people learn even by the mere interaction with others around them who are not necessarily their teachers or instructors. This paper explores the purposes and conceptions of lifelong learning, vocational education and the relationship between lifelong learning and vocational education. Purposes and Conceptions of Lifelong Learning The many contexts within which the term â€Å"lifelong learning† is used imply that there are quite a number of conceptions by which the term is regarded. That is, the exact meaning of the term is prone to a lot of debates depending on the circumstances in which it is used. These meanings, however, expand beyond the traditional concept of schooling. The first type of lifelong learning is home schooling in which learning takes place in informal settings and patterns. The second type of lifelong learning is adult learning (Wang, 2008). In this category, life long learning entails the acquisition of knowledge and work skills in later life. The third category of lifelong learning is referred to as continuing education in which extension courses are offered in higher learning institutions. Fourth, lifelong learning could refer to on-the-job training or work knowledge in which learners seek to develop their skills and professions. The other meaning of lifelong learning is self-directed/personal learning in which an individual applies a variety of techniques and tools such as the Internet/E-learning. The success and applicability of the above meanings of lifelong learning depend on the professionals such as a coach, a trainer, a consultant, a mentor, a curriculum designer, a competency assessor or a training project manager that oversees their implementation (Wang, 2008). There are several reasons for which people increasingly resort to lifelong learning. Generally, this is a knowledge generation and peoples’ capacity to use the right knowledge in executing tasks is a skill that can no longer be ignored. Peoples’ professional success depends on the effective application of the right knowledge in task implementation. By acquiring more and divergent knowledge, people are able to approach issues with different perspectives and fascinating arguments, making the workplace more

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