Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Organizational Change Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 6

Organizational Change - Essay Example Failure to anchor the changes on corporate culture makes the change process to fail. Organizational culture is very critical to the success of the change process. As a result, when the management fails to incorporate the organization values and believes, they end up failing to implement changes. One of the major success pillars of change is the understanding and spelling out of the impact of the change process on the people (Burke, 2010). This enables the management to engage all the affected personnel. Effective leadership during the change process provides a base for the change process (Burke, 2010). This is because they are able to communicate effectively to the subordinates and act as role model to them. One of the companies that failed to implement change is Avon. The company failed because some leaders were not in support of the process. In addition, the employees were not involved in the change process. Lastly, there were no clear guidelines to implement the change

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