Sunday, June 9, 2019

Proof reading in UK style Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 8000 words

Proof reading in UK style - Essay ExampleAt my organisation, we unremarkably have a large meeting once a month (everyone) and a small(a) meeting once a week (in each department).Normally, the conjunctions boss or the companys manager is the person who speaks the most in the large meetings. They want to review what is going on in the company if there are any problems, seek solutions to the problems, make sure every department head is in the pay off direction, including the budget. These meetings are quite formal. all(prenominal) staff member has to wear the companys uniform and cannot be late. There is an agenda to follow, and the information has to be written to announce in the small meetings and an email has to be sent to every staff member.In the small meetings, the manager informs the staff members the topics covered, regarding their duties and makes sure that every staff member understands their duties and is on the right track. This meeting is not a formal meeting.Figure 1 shows a diagram of the number of layers in the organisational culture. An organisations written statement may try to express its beliefs and values that the personnel within the organisation may not affectually follow. There are items that are not related to demeanour that can clearly be seen and are symbolic, such as a dress code, rituals, policies, and procedures KTP Handbook.The executives are required by law to fulfil certain duties and act in an ethical manner. Legislation is enacted by a legislative body. In the United Kingdom (UK) legislation is passed by Parliament and in some do by the Scottish Parliament, the Welsh Assembly, and the Northern Ireland Assembly. Relevant European Union legislation is also enacted through the UK legislation KTP Handbook.Regulations are drawn up to brook legislation and in certain industries specific bodies, such as, the Financial Services Authority (FSA) is given powers to regulate that sector KTP Handbook. Executives also have to

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